Associate of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain (ARPS)
These images formed the basis of my successful ARPS submission to the Royal Photographic Society, which is the second stage of the RPS distinction trilogy.
Achieving an ARPS involves identifying a subject, writing a clear statement of intent and then creating images which illustrate the stated goals.
In this respect my distinction relates to the category of Documentary Photography, and centers around the historic River Forth islands of Inchkeith and Inchmickery.
Statement of Intent (SoI)
In 1922 General Scott-Moncrieff described the extensive and varied fortifications constructed on the River Forth islands of Inchkeith and Inchmickery as forming “the most powerful naval fortress in the British Empire”. This accolade was achieved following military engineers utilising every viable aspect of the islands’ terrain, both above and below ground, to build a series of integrated defensive structures. However, today these once busy places sit silently in the middle of the river, uninhabited, derelict and crumbling; slowly being reclaimed by nature.
Although not accessible to the general public, as a member of the Forth Islands Heritage Group I spent considerable time over many years researching these fascinating and dangerous places. I have therefore produced this panel to document the islands’ inexorably vanishing military history, before its former global significance disappears from living memory; and to illustrate how a once bustling and structurally diverse environment is now desolate.
The photographs taken to support the SoI were captured over several years, something that was necessary to illustrate the islands' ever changing nature. By way of illustration the photo of the fortifications reflecting in the sea, which was taken on Inchmickery, took 5 months from the point of visualization to the actual image being shot. This was because it was necessary to wait for suitable weather conditions, the prevailing winds and the tides to align.
I would like to say thank you to everyone who assisted me in achieving this award, as it would not have been possible without your patience and assistance.
A special mention to Moira Gardner FRPS for her continued insight, guidance and encouragement; to former colleague Ron Morris for introducing me to the islands'; the staff of Seahunter Marine for their professionalism and sailing prowess, and Neil Dawson for ensuring my English comprehension was correct, or certainly the best I could manage.